Exercise Library

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  • Clamshells (but better!)

    Clamshells (but better!)

    Experiencing low back pain, hip pain, or knee pain? Having IT band issues that won't go away? Everyone always talks about how important the glutes are when it comes to lower extremity and back pain - but are you training the muscles UNDER the glutes?
  • Diaphragmatic Breathing on the Floor

    Diaphragmatic Breathing on the Floor

    Our diaphragm is super important when it comes to supporting the rest of our body with movement. This exercise teaches your brain and body to utilize your diaphragm with both deep breathing, and stability. Have more questions about your pain, physical therapy, this exercise, or your body?
  • Rockbacks with Adductor Stretch

    Rockbacks with Adductor Stretch

    Looking for a good way to stretch the inside of your thigh with the added bonus of improved hip mobility? Try these bad boys out! Rockbacks with adductor stretch are a great way to improve lower body mobility. Have more questions about your pain, physical therapy, this exercise, or your body?
  • Hip Hikes for Low Back Pain

    Hip Hikes for Low Back Pain

    Ever heard of the multifidi muscles? This is a great exercise to teach the small stabilizing muscles of the spine to engage, improving movement and decreasing back pain. Have more questions about your back pain, this exercise, or your body? Go to www.chainreactionpt.com to read more, learn about movement, or schedule a free consultation!